Now is the time for ever-increasing outpourings of the Holy Spirit upon the Church in South Africa with a resultant revival of the saints and a reformation of society. The harvest is ready and it is time for believers to be empowered and step into the field to release Heaven on Earth.
The annual Kingdom Come SA Conference is hosted in Johannesburg. It's an opportunity for fresh impartation, and the encouraging and equipping of believers across the nation for the coming harvest.
In 2017, The conference hosted renowned revivalist & author, Bill Johnson, alongside Bethel Worship Leader, Sean Feucht and founder of Global Legacy & overseer of Bethel Europe, Paul Manwaring.
The 2018 conference hosted Eric Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church and for the first time in South Africa, Banning Liebscher, founder and leader of Jesus Culture. Bill had to understandably take the decision to support his wife, Beni, who faced a major challenge with her health and made the decision to cancel his planned ministry trips to San Diego, France, Geneva, and South Africa. But, Bill Johnson still felt he had an important contribution to share with South Africa, and spoke to us live via a satellite feed.
Our 2020 conference hosted Bill Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church, Sean Feucht & Bethany Wohrle of Bethel Music and for the first time in South Africa, Shawn Bolz!
You can STREAM or DOWNLOAD ALL Sessions for FREE from the Kingdom Come 2017, 2018 & 2020 Conferences HERE!